Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, when you purchase the product and complete the whole process, the system will automatically create an account for you, the account username and password will be randomly assigned by the system and sent to your email, and you can log in to your account and change your information, including your password. However, we strongly recommend that you create your own account before your purchase, you can customize your username and password, fill in your personal information such as your billing address and shipping address. You can use your account to check your consumption records on this site, download electronic invoices, tracking, etc.

Just click this link, enter your username or email, we will send you a password reset link.

Currently, we accept only placing an order from our site, if you have some specific requirement which you can’t apply from the site, please contact us by email :

Yes, an order can be canceled at any time before it is prepped for shipping. You can make changes  as well, depending on the change being made, there may be a small delay added to your order. Order cancelations/changes can be done by email

Pricing & payment security

All transactions are processed through a payment gateway (PayPal or Strips) and all data transactions are encrypted. All personal physical information you enter (like your name, address)will be used only for the shipping and invoicing. Your credit/debit card information will be used only for the particular one-time transaction by the payment gateway. SPEEDD TACTICAL could NOT get/record any information. 

As soon as the order is placed your card will be authorized to that particular one-time transaction.

Currently, we accept only Paypal and Credit/Debit card.

Yes, your personal information (like email, mail address, phone number…) will be used only for the shipping/billing.